Daylight on PS4 Delayed
Daylight on PS4 Delayed to “Make it Scarier”
Originally planned to release in North America on April 8th, Atlus has announced that Daylight for the PlayStation 4 (and PC) has been delayed until April 29th.
Due to the game’s procedural generation, it’s taken the developers a little extra to “make sure all the scare cues are properly implemented for maximum player effect.” Atlus sums up the delay by saying, “We’re fine tuning Daylight to make it scarier.”
There is a another positive side to this delay, with Atlus discounting Daylightto $9.99 for PS+ members and $11.99 for non-PS+ members during the first two weeks after release. Once those two weeks are up, Daylight will go back up to its regular price of $14.99.
Somebody’s watching in this new Daylight trailer:
In similar fashion to Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition, Daylight will allow people on Twitch to vote on in-game events.
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