Fortnite Update 1.5
Fortnite Update 1.5

- Performance improvements for:Building indicators
- Floating damage numbers
- Player movement and camera
- Made “Selected Building Type” key binding also copy the highlighted building piece’s configuration.
- Updated live streaming quest rewards.Replaced 500 Hero XP reward with 1 Mini Llama.
- Subscriber Quests now award 1 Mini Llama plus 100 Storm Tickets.
- Improved load times on Mac.
- Adding a second EMT Survivor and Fire Team Alpha Survivor into the initial “Unlock Survivor Squads” node.
- Four slots in which Survivors can be placed are now available very early in the skill tree.
- Changed how stagger/stun/knockdown resistance functions for mid-sized enemies (Husky Husks, Blaster, Flinger).
- We increased the rate at which enemies regenerate Stability to partially compensate for this change.
- Adjusted several of the lighter, faster-firing Shotguns so that they stagger enemies instead of knocking them down.
- Especially if the enemies hit are not at close range.
- Increased the impact dealt by most types of Assault Rifles and Pistols.
- You can no longer increase the durability of Explosive weapon schematics.
- Durability improvements on existing explosive weapon schematics have been replaced with increased damage improvements.
- Durability bonuses have been rebalanced
- “Play with Others” matchmaking improved.Corrected an issue caused by selecting “Quest Progression” under “Play with Others.”
- Previously did not load you into a mission.
- The Quick Play option now places players into the zones with the highest power level they are eligible to play in.
- The same applies for mission alerts.
- The Custom option allows players to select a difficulty .
- It defaults to the difficulty range that matches the current party homebase power.
- Reduced the cost of many transformation recipes.
- Piles of refined wood/stone/metal now drop more materials based on their size.
- Improved loot from defending downed satellites.
- Reduced Ore and Crystal quest reward quantities across the board.
- Evolving basic survivors will now require less Drops of Rain and other materials.
- Significantly increased reward scaling with difficulty throughout all zones.
- Increased experience reward scaling when opening higher level chests throughout all zones.
- Increased Survivor XP Quest Rewards across the board.
- Players who have already completed these Quests prior to this update will be granted the additional Survivor XP.
- “The Van or Astro-van?” Quest now awards 10 Pure Drops of Rain in addition to the existing Jump Pad rewards.
- Players who have already completed this Quest prior to this update will also receive this additional reward.
- Replaced the Handmade Ruler Sword schematic with the Handmade Semi-Auto Handgun schematic as the tutorial reward.
- The “Ride the Lightning” quest now awards the Handmade Ruler Sword schematic in addition to the Handmade Healing Pad schematic.
- Weapon/Trap Evolution tutorial quest now becomes available after “Van or Astro-van?” Quest is completed.
- This should reduce confusion since the Weapon/Trap Evolution quest could potentially become available before the player is capable of completing it
- Increased the recommended build limit in Repair the Shelter and Evacuate the Shelter missions by 25.
- Primary Mission icons are now more clearer the full-screen map.
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