Mad Max Day One Update
Mad Max Day One Update
Here’s all the details:
The Day Zero patch for Mad Max is live. It includes a range of bug fixes and gameplay optimizations to give you the best gameplay experience possible. The following list is an overview of the included changes in Patch v 1.01.
Patch 1.01 Notes:
- Story Missions - Enhanced Story Mission flow, dialogue, cutscenes, and languages.
- Wasteland Missions - Enhanced Wasteland Missions flow, random encounters, and camps.
- Stability - Save/load system and gamewide stability was improved upon.
- GUI/HUD - Fixed some button callouts and icons that were not displaying correctly.
- Open World - Fixed several issues with NPC assets, camera manipulation, currency gathering, vehicle combat, collision, movement, and fast traveling.
- Animations - Multiple animations were tweaked for Max, Chumbucket, the garage, and open world assets.
- Audio - Voice over timing was tweaked.
- Capture Mode - Fixed camera clipping into the world issues specific to Capture Mode.
- Leaderboards - Fixed some instances of cutoff text in the Opus Wars leaderboards.
- Pause Menu - Tweaked several settings and options selections.
- WBPlay - Improvements in service connectivity.
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