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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Cross-Buy

Get Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on Xbox One/PS4 for Free 

by Buying a Digital 360/PS3 Copy

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will be a Cross-Buy affair on Xbox one,Xbox 360,PS3 and PS4 

Activision announced the promotion yesterday, and it's a lot like what it did last year with Call of Duty: Ghosts - except this time it isn't asking for $10 to let you upgrade. (It's also identical to a recent Destiny promotion.) The only real catch is that you have to buy a digital copy of the game. Because this ties it to your Xbox Live or PlayStation Network account, you can't get a free Xbox One/PS4 game and then sell your physical copy or hand it to a friend. However, your 360 or PS3 copy will still work once you've downloaded your current-gen version.

One important note: You can't move from one console family to the other. In other words, buying a PS3 copy can only get you a free PS4 game, and buying an Xbox 360 copy can only get you a free Xbox One game.

In addition to being able to upgrade to a current-gen version of the game for free, you'll be able to transfer other things. This includes any of your multiplayer stats and gear, as well as downloadable content you've purchased, including the season pass. If you're upgrading to the free game, you'll need to have bought a last-gen copy by March 31, 2015. There is no deadline on transferring any DLC or progress across console generations.

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