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LittleBigPlanet 3 News

LittleBigPlanet 3 Will Use the PlayStation Camera

Following the announcement that The Playroom would be receiving some new DLC today, Sony Computer Entertainment America Senior Manager of Brand Marketing Anand Agarwal addressed some of the questions raised in the PS Blog comments section.

The most interesting user he responded to asked if there was going to be any new games that used the PlayStation Camera. Here’s what Agarwal had to say:

Yes, for sure. First of all, Playroom has had three new DLC’s become available since PS4 launch  so check them out if you haven’t already. The yearly iteration of Just Dance is a great game to play with the PS Camera, and LittleBigPlanet 3 is going to use the Camera in the same way previous iterations of LBP have used it – you will be able to decorate the LBP environment with pictures taken from the Camera. Camera features for other games will be announced soon.

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