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Battlefield Hardline PlayStation 4, PC beta available today & New gameplay

Battlefield Hardline PlayStation 4, PC beta available today

Electronic Arts has stated that Battlefield Hardline will run a PlayStation 4 and Windows PC beta, starting today. The company made the announcement at its E3 briefing.

The Battlefield 4-based game is being developed by Visceral Games alongside DICE. It's set in a cops vs criminals world and features the franchise's trademark abundance of weapons, gadgets and vehicles. In multiplayer mode players choose one of four classes, with access to a variety of weapons. Levolution events, in which large structures come crashing to the ground, alter the maps significantly. The limited-time beta is available now.

"This is an awesome opportunity to take one of gaming's most exciting franchises in a new direction," said Visceral Games' Steve Papoutsis, "The cops and criminals fantasy is a great new backdrop for Battlefield and allows us to introduce an impactful story, while still maintaining that intense multiplayer action that fans expect. Best of all, the beta allows lots of fans to jump in and play immediately." You can find out more about the beta here  

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