Sportsfriends invades your living room on May 6
Sportsfriends invades your living room on May 6
Sportsfriends includes four games: JS Joust, BaraBariBall, Super Pole Riders and Hokra. PS3 and PS4 versions get optional Move support for JS Joust. PS4 allows up to four players to play JS Joust with DualShock 4 controllers, while PS3 allows up to seven players with DualShock 3 controllers and the ability to load your own music files into the game.
Plus, buy the PS3 version and get the PS4 download for free.
Here’s a breakdown of features by platform:
Both PS3 and PS4 versions feature:
- Four award-winning multiplayer games
- No-bulls**t — local multiplayer in its purest form
- Rich variety of modes and gameplay settings
- Build and save your own Hokra arenas
- Optional: PlayStation Move motion controller support for Johann Sebastian Joust
- Some of the weirdest Trophies on PSN
- Tons of secrets we can’t talk about
PS4 version features:
- DualShock 4 wireless controller support for all the games
- Play JS Joust with up to four players
- Play JS Joust with DualShock 4, making special use of its speaker and LED
PS3 version features:
- DualShock 3 support for all the games
- Play JS Joust with up to seven players
- Play JS Joust with DualShock 3
- Load your own music files into JS Joust!