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Battlefield: Hardline Update 2.0 out Now

Battlefield: Hardline Update 2.0 out Now

Here’s the full list of patch notes for today’s update on PS4, Xbox One, and PC:


  • (PC) Removed requirement for Google Chrome plug-in support as Origin now provides the functionality that the Google Chrome plug-in used to handle.


  • (Xbox One) Fixed a known client side crash.


  • Bank: Fixed an issue where players could climb a Grappling Hook shot into the ceiling above the offices on the 2nd level of the Bank.
  • The Beat: Fixed an issue where players were able to float in the sky.

Server Browser

  • Fixed an issue where correct Server Types were not being filtered properly in the Server Browser.

User Interface

  • (PS4) Fixed an issue where the game crashes when navigating through the CUSTOMIZE menu.


  • Fixed an issue with Map filters not working properly.
  • Implemented fixes with known TDM issues.

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