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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Update

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Update 

Reportedly taking up 2.56GB, a new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfareupdate went live yesterday on PlayStation 4 and PC, following the latest update on Xbox One and Xbox 360 this past Tuesday to enable the new Ascendance DLC.

While the update on PS4/PC doesn’t include support forAscendance, you will find many updates to various aspects of the game:

In-Game Updates

  • Adjusted the amount of damage reduction by the Flak Jacket perk in Hardcore modes.
  • Fixed a rare issue where viewing the scoreboard could result in a crash.
  • Fixed an exploit where players were able to join a playlist with a party size larger than the playlist allowed.
  • Fixed an exploit where players were able to shoot directed energy weapons continuously without overheating.
  • Fixed an issue where some HUD elements were viewable when spectating in third-person mode.
  • Fixed an issue where some static UI would remain on the screen after spectating.
  • Fixed a rare crash issue when leaving a Private Match.

Weapon Updates

  • Atlas 20mm – Snapper now has the correct magazine size.
  • Fixed an issue where the OHM’s shotgun mode would not have any spread for its shots.
  • PDW – Added laser sight attachment.

UI Updates

  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Supply Drops sometimes open on the left side of the screen.
  • Added Gun Game medals to Combat Record menu.
  • Added Gun Game to the list of modes in the Combat Record.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Favorite Weapon” displayed in the Combat Record was not tallying kills from weapon variants.
  • Double XP Images shown in game are now localized.
  • Fixed where the correct alternate weapon mode would display when a character has more than one weapon with an alternate weapon mode.

Challenges Updates

  • Fixed an issue where players were earning a Underdog and Vandalism medal from their own team.
  • Fixed an issue where some weapons picked up from an enemy did not count towards the Backfire medal or Guerrilla Warfare challenge.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tac-19’s Parabolic microphone attachment displayed it unlocked after 40 kills while aiming down the sights.

Store Updates

  • Store UI Improvements.

Emblem Updates

  • Added a confirmation pop-up when using copy / paste over an existing emblem.
  • Fixed a rare issue where emblems from purchased mDLC wouldn’t show in the Emblem Editor.

Scorestreak Updates

  • Fixed a rare issue where players could obtain a turret head with infinite ammo.
  • Fixed an exploit with the Aerial Recon Drone scorestreak.

Broadcaster Updates

  • Adjusted the kill feed team color to match scorecard team color.
  • Improvements made to the legibility of the player card.

Game Mode Specific Updates

  • Gun Game: Increased the Party Size limit from 1 to 8.
  • Gun Game: Added random loot variants to each weapon tier.
  • Adjusted the Satellite drone mechanics so it would not be dropped immediately after going prone or sliding in water.
  • Adjusted spawning logic for Free-For-All & Gun Game game modes.
  • Adjusting various spawning logic for Domination game mode.
  • Adjusted various spawning logic for Search and Rescue game mode.

Map Specific Updates

  • Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
  • Fixed a rare issue where some players were not able to spawn in to the game on the Core map.
  • Adjusted various spawns for CTF and Uplink on Solar. 
  • Adjusted various spawns for Uplink on Recovery.
  • Adjusted various spawns for Momentum on Comeback.
  • Fixes for out of map exploits and bomb defusing on Comeback.
  • Various fixes related to the dynamic map event for the map Drift.

Exo Survival Updates

  • Fixed an issue where parties were being split when entering matchmaking.

Exo Zombies Updates

  • Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies.
  • Enemies will now correctly ignore players in the incinerator room.
  • Fixed an issue where items required for the Exo Zombies Easter Egg would disappear when a player respawns.
  • Exo Zombies: Fixed an issue where the nano swarm would remain for a longer duration after a host migration.
  • Exo Zombies: Fixed an issue where the 3D printer would malfunction without having enough credits to operate.

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