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Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Pre-Orders Details on PS4 & PS3

Pre-Orders on PS4 & PS3 Include Cross-Buy in North America

all pre-orders of the Resident Evil Revelations 2 Complete Season on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 include cross-buy, meaning you get both versions for the price of one. Additionally, you’ll receive the Raid Mode Throwback Map Pack as a pre-order incentive.

Capcom adds that cross-buy won’t be available until “shortly after” launch. Also, if you happened to pre-order both versions already, Capcom suggests contacting Sony for a refund.

For those of you wondering about the PlayStation Vita version ofRevelations 2, Capcom says cross-buy is only eligible on PS4/PS3, with more details about the game on Vita “coming at a later date.”

The first episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 launches next week on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC, with the season concluding on March 17. A PlayStation Vita version is expected this Spring.

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