First Xbox One System Update for 2015 Rolls Out Yesterday
Xbox One first update adds hubs for your favorite games
Check out the full list of Party Chat and TV updates heading to Xbox One below:
Party chat updates
- New icons have been added to chat let users know the current status of a chat connection in the party. Icons have been added for when a connection is being made, indicates when the connection is successful, shows who is speaking and networking limitations.
- Improved connectivity between multiple participants with Strict or Moderate NATs updates include improvements to party chat in partial mesh situations when multiple participants are behind moderate or strict NATs with their home gateways/routers.
- Game and party invitations improvements includes seeing which friend is inviting you and what party or game the invite is for, without having to wait for the text to scroll on the notification.
- Decreased the time it takes to set up person-to-person (P2P) connectivity.
TV updates
- TV trending in OneGuide for the U.S., U.K. and Canada, and Twitter trending is available in the U.S..
- Live TV trending for France, Germany, Brazil and Mexico.
- Improved control of TVs, set-top boxes and audio/video receivers.
- “Trick play” with Xbox One Digital TV Tuner for the U.K., France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
- Live TV streaming on Windows Phone and Android for the U.K., France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
- OneGuide for the Netherlands.
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