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Xbox One May 2014 System Update is Rolling Out

Xbox One May 2014 System Update is Rolling Out

The May 2014 System Update for Xbox One is now rolling out, so fire up your console to see what's changed. This month, the console gains a sound mixer for snapped apps, a Kinect chat volume mixer, and a few other minor improvements.

"The latest Xbox One system update has started to roll out," Microsoft's Larry "Major Nelson" Hyrb tweeted the other day.

Sound mixer for snapped apps. Using a simple slider, this control helps you adjust the relative volume of the main and snapped app when you're using two apps side-by-side.

Chat mixer. This new control helps you adjust the volume of other sounds when you're using Kinect to chat.

Help improve speech recognition. Thanks to a new control, you can opt-in to a speech data collection service that will anonymously analyze voice commands and use them to improve the Kinect voice and speech algorithms for everyone. It's in Settings, Privacy & Online Safety, Custom. In the Customizing privacy and online safety screen, set Share Voice Data to Allow. (Its way down at the end.)

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