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PS4 PlayStation Store Pre-Loads Won’t Start Until September 2014

 Start Until September 2014

The ability to pre-load your pre-ordered PS4 games in the PlayStation Store prior to launch was added when firmware update 1.70 was released in April, but as it turns out, pre-loading won’t be a feature you can access until September 2014.

This news comes from the official PlayStation Knowledge Center, where they confirm that Destiny is going to be the first title to support pre-loading:

Pre-Load Pre-Ordered Content

Beginning with Destiny, certain pre-ordered titles can be automatically be pre-loaded prior to their release. This lets you rest easy knowing that your game will be ready for play the second its release date hits.

Please Note:

Only titles designated as having pre-load functionality at the time of pre-order purchase can be pre-loaded.
Pre-loading does not grant early access to the game; it simply loads it several days prior to its release so you’re able to play it on its release date.
Automatic downloads must be enabled for your PS4 to pre-load your game: Go to [Settings] > [System] > [Automatic Downloads and Uploads]

Destiny will release on September 9th and is available for pre-order from the PlayStation Store right now.

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