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Sony PS4 User Survey

Sony PS4 User Survey Asks About PSN ID Changes, Player Reputation System, More

At this point in time, the survey Sony recently sent out to PS4 owners (viaIGN) is just that – a survey. None of the questions asked confirm anything currently being brought to the PS4 (and other PlayStation systems) right now, but they do hint at things Sony may be planning to add in the future, given enough interest.

Allowing people the option to choose between Very Appealing, Somewhat Appealing, Neither Appealing nor Unappealing, Somewhat Unappealing, or Very Unappealing, here’s all the different features Sony asked about:

  • Player reputation system based on a user rating system
  • Advanced matchmaking system (to help pair you with players at your skill level or player preference)
  • Ability to chat across PlayStation platforms (i.e., with PS3 or PS Vita users)
  • Ability to change your PlayStation username
  • Ability to be invisible: see who is online without broadcasting the fact that you are online
  • Ability to party chat with more than 8 people at a time
  • Synchronization of messages across platforms, so that PS3/PS Vita messages all appear on PS4 and vice versa
  • On-screen notifications when your friends come online

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